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主题:Constructing Livable Reality through the Commitment to the Near Future in Chinas Developmental Zones



概要:Chinadevelopmental projects” often operate within highly unpredictable investment opportunities.” In my fieldwork site of Chongqing, it is common to encounter abandoned industrial zones and unfinished real estate projects. However, these stalled initiatives are generally not viewed as complete failures; rather, they are seen as facing temporary obstacles” on the path to progress, as they are associated with a certain level of predictability reinforced by planning,” “design,” and anticipated prosperity. This internal contradiction between unpredictability and certainty creates a state of existence that residents refer to as jiangjiu, or making do.” Jiangjiu reflects a negative sentiment, yet it should not be equated with dissatisfaction toward the discrepancy between anticipation and outcome. At its core, jiangjiu embodies a condition in which residents have little power over the projects while still having to coexist with them and bear the consequences. It involves constructing a reality through a commitment to a near future, making life more bearable. This research challenges the ontological assumption of mono-realism and goes beyond a purely representational approach to reality.

主讲人:战洋 香港理工大学应用社会科学系文化人类学副教授

Currently serves as the associate editor of American Anthropologist. Her research interests encompass urbanization and migration, mobility and temporality, voluntarism, and anthropological theory. Zhan's articles have been published in journals such as Urban Studies, Cities, Positions, American Anthropologist, Dialectical Anthropology, China Information, and Pacific Affairs, among others.




波士顿大学人类学博士,研究领域主要包括宗教人类学(含世俗主义相关问题)、仪式与社会理论、知识论等。其研究发表在Material Religion, Journal of Chinese Humanities等杂志上。

