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讲 座 信 息

主题: Have I Been Extorted?



摘要:In what manner may anthropologists ethnographically document and articulate 'affect', particularly when it is described by scholars as 'fluid, eventful, atmospheric, and nonrepresentational'? This talk utilises a childhood anecdote of 'extortion' experienced in a Buddhist temple during a tourist visit to Hangzhou to explore the autobiographical approach to ethnographic writing and illustrate the significance and effectiveness of autoethnography. Drawing from John Searle’s classification of ‘social fact’, I contend that to effectively represent social life, especially its affective and (inter)subjective aspects, anthropologists must take autoethnography seriously, as it possesses distinct advantages that traditional ethnographic writing lacks. In the posthuman era, autoethnography is crucial for anthropologists to comprehend and document social existences.


伦敦政治经济学院博士,研究领域包括 道德人类学,情动人类学,符号人类学,中非日常交往与交流,跨国移民与劳工。


波士顿大学人类学博士,研究领域主要包括宗教人类学(含世俗主义相关问题)、仪式与社会理论、知识论等。其研究发表在Material Religion, Journal of Chinese Humanities等杂志上。


香港大学社会工作及社会行政学系博士,研究领域包括歧视与污名化、心理与行为健康、性别研究等。其研究发表于《Journal of Youth and Adolescence》,《Journal of Affective Disorders》,《American Journal of Orthopsychiatry》 等SSCI/SCI学术期刊。