
启真社工03讲 中.png

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主题:The Burden of Stigma: Understanding the Enduring Impact on Stress and Distress among Individuals with Stigmatized Identities and Their Associates


地点:腾讯会议354898957  密码:876567

Abstract:Goffman’s (1963) seminal work defined stigma as an attribute that discredits individuals with stigmatized identities, reducing them from being seen as whole and ordinary individuals to being perceived as tainted and devalued. Building on Goffman’s groundbreaking treatise, researchers have extensively explored the impact of stigma on the lived experiences and well-being of individuals belonging to stigmatized groups and those associated with them. Stigma, on one hand, shapes micro-level social interaction and intergroup relations, leading to the exclusion and marginalization of individuals from stigmatized groups. On the other hand, individuals may internalize the negative stereotypes and attitudes associated with their stigmatized identities, which can have detrimental implications for their mental health and overall well-being. Drawing upon empirical data, with a particular emphasis on sexual minorities, this presentation focuses on three key aspects: (1) examining the disparities in mental health between members of dominant and stigmatized groups, (2) exploring the mechanisms through which stigmatized identities contribute to adverse mental health outcomes, and (3) analyzing the sociocultural and intracommunity factors that influence the impact of stigma on mental health within stigmatized groups and their associates.

主讲人:Randolph C. H. Chan,香港中文大学社会工作系副教授

His research centers around the intersections of stigma and mental health within marginalized populations. Through extensive studies, he seeks to understand the impact of distal and proximal minority stressors on psychosocial outcomes among individuals with stigmatized identities. His research also explores the mechanisms through which resilience resources can be harnessed to foster positive adaptation in the face of social adversity, ultimately promoting thriving within marginalized communities. He has published over 80 articles in top-tiered academic journals, including Social Science & Medicine, Journal of Affective Disorders, Child Abuse & Neglect, and Journal of Youth and Adolescence.


香港大学社会工作及社会行政学系博士,研究领域包括社会医学、艾滋病与污名化、性别与性少数群体青少年等。其研究发表于American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, AIDS Patient Care and STDs, Journal of Sex Research 等学术期刊。