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讲 座 信 息

主题:An Anthropologist’s Career in a Changing World



主讲人:Adam Kuper(亚当·库帕),英国国家学术院院士、欧洲科学院院士



概要:Looking back on a career in anthropology that began more than 60 year ago, I will reflect on the changing character of the discipline following the independence of European colonies in Africa and Asia in the 1960s, and through the social, political and intellectual upheavals of the past two generations. In these years I did field studies in Botswana and Jamaica, wrote on the history of anthropology, taught at universities in England, Holland, South Africa, Sweden, Uganda and the USA, and served as the first president of the European Association of Social Anthropologists.

主讲人简介:Adam Kuper

Professor Adam Kuper (FBA) is an anthropologist and public intellectual. Most recently a Centennial Professor in Department of Anthropology, LSE (London School of Economics and Political Science) and a Visiting Professor at Boston University, and a recipient of the Huxley Medal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, he has authored or edited 19 books and published over 100 journal articles focusing on anthropological theory, the history of anthropology in the US and Britain, and southern African societies and cultures. He has made numerous appearances on BBC TV and radio, and reviewed regularly for the London Review of Books, the Times Literary Supplement, and the Wall Street Journal. His new book, The Museum of Other People: From Colonial Acquisitions to Cosmopolitan Exhibitions, Profile Books, was launched in February 2023.