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题目:Replacing an Institution: Public School Admissions since the 1980s



概要:Using policy documents, media reports, and fieldwork, I narrate and explain the history of public school admissions in China since the 1980s. I argue that the recent rise of school catchment zones (xuequ) should be attributed to government efforts to replace a bottom-up informal institution called zexiao (choosing schools). Zexiao was fiscally useful in the 1980s and 1990s, but its fiscal utility declined and its publicly perceived injustices increased in the 1990s and 2000s, turning it from a tool to an object of governance. The state attempted to replace zexiao by residency-based school assignment. However, these attempts failed repetitively for two decades, because the state narrowly defined residency by hukou, a poor reflection of families’ actual residences. In the early 2010s, the central government built education big data independent from hukou. Utilizing the newly available big data infrastructure, local education bureaus expanded residency beyond hukou, invented formal procedures, and implemented them to varying degrees. This paper contributes to the literature on education inequality and policy, as well as the rise of formal institutions as replacements of informal institutions in China.




浙江大学社会学系百人计划研究员,麦吉尔大学社会学博士。比较历史社会学者,长期研究民族主义与革命运动的关系,相关研究论文已经发表在 European Journal of Sociology, Nations and Nationalism, Journal of Historical Sociology, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Modern Asian Studies, Nationalities Papers, Routledge Handbook of Chinese Studies, 《二十一世纪》等刊物。

评议人: 张博伦

浙江大学社会学系新百人计划研究员,加州大学圣迭戈分校博士。研究兴趣包括数字社会学、经济社会学、物质政治经济学等。特别关注技术系统、专家知识等基础设施是如何同政治经济体制互动,这种互动又怎么扩展了我们对于“政治”的认识。在这个理论目标下,其研究既关注信息产业的发展,也关注信息产业的算法技术进入社会学后产生的各种后果。相关的研究发表在BigDataand Society, 清华社会学评论上,进行中的工作正在SociologicalMethodology和WorldDevelopment等期刊上接受匿名评审中。