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摘要:We examine the role of a society’s social trust in shaping its organization’s job design. We use a dataset comprising over 60 million job postings from 28 European Union countries. Our most rigorous analytical models employ bilateral trust measures to predict job design choices, including fixed effects on country, firm, and occupation, as well as relying on an instrumental variable approach. This study underscores the role of social trust in shaping organizational management.



He teaches the Leadership course in the MBA required curriculum. Professor Zhang studies cross-country differences and organizational inequality. His current projects examine (1) how cross-country differences in societal culture and policies influence firms' human capital strategies and (2) how job design choices shape organizational inequality. Professor Zhang has published in top management and sociology journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, and Organization Science. Professor Zhang earned a Ph.D. in sociology from Harvard University and a B.S. in mathematics from Stanford University.



芝加哥大学社会学博士,研究领域为知识社会学、计算社会科学、经济社会学。研究方向为知识系统和经济系统中的创新、颠覆、不确定性和层级相关的议题。研究发表在Poetics, Plos One, npj Urban Sustainability, 社会学研究等中英文期刊上。



香港大学经济与工商管理学院博士。研究领域包括历史政治经济学、组织理论等。目前研究议题包括,中古中国的统一与分裂、古代官僚体系的组织学原理、中国早期复杂社会的兴起与衰落等。文章发表或即将发表于American Journal of Political Science; Journal of Comparative Economics; Journal of Chinese Governance; 学术月刊等国内外知名期刊。