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题目:Beyond Money Whitening: Racialized Hierarchies and Socioeconomic Escalators in Mexico



摘要:A core sociological claim is that race is a social construction; an important illustration of this is how racial classifications are influenced by people’s socioeconomic status. In both Latin America and the United States, someone with higher SES is more likely to be classified as White than others of similar appearance, a pattern epitomized by the expression “money whitens.” However, recent studies of the effect of SES on racial classifications show inconsistent results, sometimes depending on the measures used. We develop a broad theorization of societies as having multiple racialized hierarchies with different socioeconomic escalators potentially bringing people to higher-status locations in each one. Yet racialized hierarchies differ across societies, and some non-White classifications may reflect a process of upward movement while others may not. We assess this process in Mexico using the 2019 Project on Ethnic-Racial Discrimination in Mexico, a nationally-representative survey including highly accurate digital skin-color ratings, perceived skin-color assessments, and ethnoracial classifications by respondents and interviewers. We find that having higher education increases respondents’ self-classification as Mestizo. Yet those with greater wealth are “whitened” by interviewers. Simultaneously, respondents and interviewers “lighten” respondents with greater wealth. We argue that SES can differentially affect mobility in different racialized hierarchies, showing how race is constructed partly by other social constructs like class.

主讲人:Wendy D. Roth

宾夕法尼亚大学社会学系教授,曾任美国社会学学会“Racial and Ethnic Minorities”分支主席,哈佛大学社会学博士。研究主要关注各种社会过程(如移民、科技发展等)如何挑战种族与族群边界、影响种族与族群分类系统等。研究发表在美国社会学三大顶刊American Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, Annual Review of Sociology, 以及The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Social Problems, International Migration Review, Ethnic and Racial Studies等期刊,著有Race Migrations: Latinos and the Cultural Transformation of Race(斯坦福大学出版社出版)。


浙江大学人文高等研究院特聘副研究员。纽约大学社会学博士,主要研究领域包括族群社会学、移民与人口流动等,研究方法涉及深度访谈与参与式观察、文本研究、实验研究等。其研究发表于Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies、Identities等期刊。