马寅初社会学讲座 第13讲
讲 座 信 息
主题:Opportunistic Bargaining: Negotiating Distribution in China
摘要:Using a detailed case study of house eviction in peri-urban China as well as original data from an online survey experiment, this article explores the opportunistic bargaining phenomenon in China in which citizens leverage the policy priorities of authorities with tactics that are not approved by the state to bargain for goals beyond those promised by the state. We find that opportunistic bargaining is widely accepted by Chinese citizens and that such an inclination is encouraged by successful precedents and clear signals of an opening through which to leverage government policy priorities; however, it is dampened by unclear signals and failed precedents. We find that the characteristics of opportunistic bargaining appear to be the opposite of the dominant “rightful resistance” framework.
加州大学伯克利分校政治学博士,研究兴趣包括媒体与网络政治,以及中国的公民参与等。著作有Online Expression and Authoritarian Resilience (Columbia University Press, 2018), Directed Digital Dissidence in Autocracies: How China Wins Online (Oxford University Press,2023)。韩教授常年在 The China Quarterly, Journal of Contemporary China, Journal of Chinese Political Science, Political Research Quarterly等知名SSCI期刊上发表期刊论文。