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题目:The Role of Exposure to Neighbourhood and School Poverty in Understanding Educational Attainment



摘要:With a few notable exceptions, the field of contextual effects on educational outcomes rarely explicitly studies the neighborhood and school contexts simultaneously. There are many reasons to suspect that the effects of neighborhood and school poverty may overlap, intersect, or even reinforce each other. Schools are often located within or near neighborhoods where people live and where people have the same information about educational opportunities, making it likely that the demographic composition of both contexts will overlap to some extent. However, each might also have its own independent effect on individual outcomes. To measure contextual effects, a cross-sectional approach is often not sufficient. The duration and the timing of exposure to a poor context matter. First, longer exposure to poverty is likely to have a stronger impact on outcomes than short-term exposure. Second, exposure to poverty at different ages will likely have a differential impact on adolescents’ outcomes. Here, a temporal perspective is used to examine the effects of neighborhood poverty and school poverty on adolescents’ educational attainment. Drawing on data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, the results indicate that enduring exposure to neighborhood poverty relates to educational attainment, while timing does not. For school poverty, longer exposure is related to lower attainment, but earlier exposure has a stronger impact than later exposure. Adolescents who were exposed to poverty in both contexts for the full observation period had the lowest educational attainment. The findings highlight the importance of understanding when and how long adolescents are exposed to contextual poverty.

主讲人:Jaap Nieuwenhuis

格罗宁根大学助理教授、浙江大学社会学系兼任研究员研究方向为人文地理学。其研究发表在 The Information Society、Journal of Housing and the Built Environment、Journal of Youth and Adolescence、Social Science & Medicine等期刊。


浙江大学社会学系百人计划研究员。研究领域主要包括国际移民,人口流动与城市化,教育与健康不平等研究。研究成果发表在The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,International Handbook of Migration and Population Distribution,Landscape and Urban Planning等期刊上。