
Sowing Division: The Unintended Consequences of Geographic Tagging on Social Media

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    主题:Sowing Division: The Unintended Consequences of Geographic Tagging on Social Media



    概要:I explore the unexpected consequences of Weibo’s geographic tagging policy in China, a case study that offers broader insights into information control in authoritarian regimes. Using unique high-frequency panel data from 200 influential Weibo accounts and a data leakage incident, coupled with Interrupted Time Series (ITS) analysis, I demonstrate that the policy effectively reduces public discourse and regime-threatening information. However, it does so not by suppressing overseas users but by deterring domestic users from engaging in out-of-province discussions. This policy also has unintended effects, such as manipulating the salience of geographic identity, which intensifies geo-based group division and conflict.









    香港中文大学社会福利博士,现任浙江大学社会学系新百人计划二类研究员。研究领域包括社会工作、社会政策、儿童福祉、精神健康等。其研究发表于Journal of Adolescence, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Journal of Affective Disorders等学术期刊。