讲 座 信 息
主题:Imaginative Landscapes of Islamist Politics: An Introduction to Takhayyul
时间 :2023年4月20日(周四)15:00-17:00
地点 :浙江大学紫金港西区成均苑8幢1017
简介 :This paper offers takhayyul (tahayyul/تخيل) as a heuristic concept to study imaginative elements in populist Islamist movements across Balkan-to-Bengal complex (BtB). The historical interconnectedness imposed by the imperial Islamic past across BtB informs and shapes the ways these political actors tap into the imaginative capacities of their audience, their audiences’ various social references, religious cosmologies, nationalist discourses, resentments, and other imaginative realms. Takhayyul is often translated simply as ‘the imaginative’, although it has deep roots in Classical Arabic scholarship and refers to a particular type of imagination. Takhayyul is the terrestrial imagination that is realistic and worldly yet also prophetic; it informs doxastic thinking and political action. This paper explores this non-Eurocentric and somewhat autochthonous theory developed in the geography that it studies, and studies it vis-a-vis the political dreams that expand the imaginative capacity beyond physical and actual possibilities and which develop a shared Islamic vision and community.
主讲人:Sertaç Sehlikoglu,伦敦大学学院副教授,剑桥大学人类学博士。社会人类学家,主要从事主体性、欲望与亲密性的研究。文章发表于 Social Anthropology、Cambridge Journal of Anthropology 等期刊,著有 Working Out Desire: Women, Sport, and Self-Making in Istanbul 等著作。
评议人:孙砚菲,芝加哥大学社会学博士,现任浙江大学社会学系长聘副教授。研究领域主要包括宗教社会学与政治社会学,研究成果发表在 American Journal of Sociology、Theory and Society、Modern China、Social Compass、《社会学研究》、《学海》等期刊及各种论文集上。
主持人:邱昱,英国剑桥大学社会人类学博士,现任浙江大学人文高等研究院新百人计划研究员,主要研究领域包括族群与婚姻、亲属关系、移民与全球化、中国与非洲民间关系。其研究发表在 Journal of African Cultural Studies、The China Quarterly、《开放时代》等。