


主题The Tension between Money and Culture: Inequality, Economic Capital, Cultural Capital and High School Students’ Educational Achievement





概要This study examines how social context, in this case, income inequality, shapes the role of economic capital and cultural capital in adolescents’ academic performance in high schools. First, we explore how national-level income inequality moderates the effects of economic capital and cultural capital on academic achievement. Second, we examine whether income inequality moderates the interaction term between economic capital and cultural capital. By analyzing a multilevel dataset of 72 countries or regions, a combination of PISA 2018 data and several national indexes, we find that: (1) economic capital plays a more important role in enhancing adolescents’ academic achievement in more unequal societies than equal ones, while the effect of cultural capital decrease with the increase of inequality; (2) In countries or regions with lower levels of inequality, cultural capital’s positive effect on academic achievement tends to be stronger for students with low-economic capital; By contrast, cultural capital’s effect tends to be stronger for students with high-economic capital in more unequal countries. The results indicate that the cultural mobility model applies to equal countries, while the cultural reproduction model applies to countries with higher levels of inequality. The findings shed new light on understanding how social context shapes the process that economic capital and cultural capital contribute to intergenerational education reproduction from a comparative perspective.








主讲人:吴愈晓,美国西北大学社会学博士,南京大学社会学院社会学系教授,社会学院副院长。曾入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划” (2011年),教育部“青年长江学者”(2017-2020年),江苏省“333人才工程” 第二层次培养对象(2016-2019年)。兼任中国社会学会常务理事,中国社会学会社会分层与社会流动研究委员会副理事长和中国社会学会家庭社会学研究会副会长。主要研究领域包括社会分层与流动、教育社会学、家庭与性别、青少年发展等。
