· Public interest sociology
· Organizational sociology
· Social policy
· Community social work
Jiangang Zhu
Professor, Department of Sociology, Zhejiang University
Recent major publications
1. Jiexiang Zhao, Jiangang Zhu(correspondent author). 2025.“Cultural Reinvention or Cultural Erasure? A Study on Rural Gentrification, Land Leasing, and Cultural Change.” Habitat International.155(1).
2. Wang, E.L., Qiaoan, R. & Zhu, Jiangang(correspondent author). Absorptive Philanthropic Governance: The Resilience and Differentiation of Chinese Philanthropic Foundations Amidst the Pandemic. Voluntas (2024, online first). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11266-024-00657-4
3. Lei, Xie, Jiangang Zhu(correspondent author), David Benson. 2022. Partnership building? Government-led NGO participation in China’s grassroots waste governance. Geoforum: Vol. 137, P32-41.
4. Shuai, Zhou, Jiangang Zhu & Guanghua Zheng. 2021. Whom you connect with matters for transparency: Board networks, political embeddedness, and information disclosure by Chinese foundations. Nonprofit management & Leadership: Vol. 1: P1-20.
5. Jiangang, Zhu(first author and correspondent author), Jing Yanchun and Han Yongjing. 2020. Secularity and Transformation of the Faith-Based Community: Ethnography of the Religious Charity of Baha’i in Macau. Religions. Vol. 11: P1-15.
6. Ming,Hu & Jiangang Zhu(correspondent author). 2020. Fostering Civil Society Through Community Empowerment: An Extended Case of the Sichuan Earthquake in China. Administration & Society. Vol. 1: P1-23.
7. Ming Hu, Kong Dejie and Jiangang, Zhu. 2020. Voluntary Financial Disclosure to Downward Stakeholders: An Empirical Examination of Chinese Nonprofits. Public Performance & Mangement Review. Vol4. 3, No. 1, p180-205
8. Jiangang,Zhu and Yanchun Jing. 2019. Push and Pull: A Case Study of the Dynamics of Chinese Diaspora Philanthropy. China Nonprofit Review. VOl. 11, No.2.
9. Jiangang Zhu, Ye, S., & Liu, Y. 2018.Legitimacy, Board Involvement, and Resource Competitiveness: Drivers of NGO Revenue Diversification, VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 29(6), 1176-1189.
10. Jiangang Zhu,2016. Higher Education as a Common Good in China: A Case Study for Ideas and Practices. Higher Learning Research Communications (special issue). Vol 6, No. 2.
Education Background
PhD, Chinese University of Hong Kong